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Parents in mask mandate suit suggest doctor can help advise whether use should be excused
Facts not Fear: What medical conditions could prevent you from wearing a face mask?
Is the CDC guidance easing mask requirements premature? A doctor weighs in
Judge rules mask mandate will remain in place in Knox Co. Schools with 'very few' medical exemptions
Judge Delivers Humiliating Blow To Anti Mask School Parents
Judge hears Knox County mask lawsuit
Student Mask Mandates | Parents Suing Schools | What You Need To Know | SDP154 | Livestream 10-12-21
Knox County BOE files appeal on masks
A mother sues over the school's mask mandate
145 Baystate Health staff put on unpaid leave, vaccine mandate in effect
Why Do Some People NOT Want to Wear Masks? - This is Your Brain on Lockdown with Dr Dean Burnett
Live updates: JCPS to vote on universal mask guidance